Her face was kind and full of love. "Grandmother!" cried the little girl. "Please, take me with you!" But her grandmother started to fade as the match burned out. "No!" screamed the little girl. "Don't go!" And she rubbed all of her matches against the wall. She wanted to keep her grandmother near her. And the matches gave such a bright light. It was brighter even than at noon. Her grandmother became solid again. She took the little girl on her arm. Both flew up into the light. And there was no cold. There was no hunger. They were both in Heaven. The little girl was so happy. On the street, people stopped at the corner. There they saw the little girl. She was sitting curled up very tightly. It was still very cold. But the girl's cheeks were rosy. She had a smile on her face. She had a bundle of matches in her hand. They were burnt out. "She wanted to warm herself," people said. They looked at her body with pity. But no one had any idea of what she had seen. No one even dreamed of her joy. With her grandmother, she was finally happy. With her grandmother, she celebrated the New Year.